Pico Park

Pico Park

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In this game, you will need the help of a friend, because all these puzzles cannot be solved alone. There must be at least two participants here to start the challenge. You have a variety of levels to choose from in which you can compete with people or set records. In general, you decide how to spend your free time.

Your task is to get the key, open the door at the end of the map and all users leave this place. Otherwise, you are going to either not be able to complete it, or you may lose. The main feature of it is the ability to interact with each other. For example, standing on each other’s heads, making a ladder.

This is a really high quality and exciting project that can easily win your heart. You should tell your friends and relatives about it so that you can have company here in the future. You can rest assured that you will make the right decision by installing this product.

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