Super Bunny Man

Super Bunny Man

Star: 1Star: 2Star: 3Star: 4Star: 5

A fun platformer game created for large companies who want to have a great free time. Together with the heroes of this work, travel to different places, while getting into crazy incidents. Be careful, because there are a lot of dangerous things around you.

No matter in the forest, in the snowy mountains or on the beach, you will find yourself in trouble everywhere. In addition to staying alive, you must collect all the carrots on the map, and then jump into the portal. That’s the only way you can win. With your friends, with strangers or by yourself, you are able to complete tasks.

At first glance, this is an ordinary product that does not stand out at all against the background of other works of a similar genre. But you can be sure, it will definitely become your favorite. Graphics, music, controls and the rest are average, but still attract attention.

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